Separate operational areas manage the day to day working of the BBC. These include the Director-General's Office and Management Board, Radio, BBC North, Finance and Business, Future Media, News Group and Television.
The BBC also has three commercial subsidiaries, BBC Worldwide, BBC Studios and Post Production and BBC World News.
The four areas and a management board organisational chart below explain how the BBC is run.
Changes to the BBC's senior team were announced on Thursday 14 February 2013. More information is available on the BBC Media Centre website.
BBC Management Board (April 2013)
Royal Charter
The BBC is established under a Royal Charter. The current Charter came into force in 2007 and runs until the end of 2016. It explicitly recognises the BBC's editorial independence and sets out its public purposes.
BBC Trust
Under the Charter, the BBC is governed by the BBC Trust, which sets the strategic direction of the BBC and has a clear duty to represent the interests of licence fee payers. The Trust sets purpose remits, issues service licences and holds the Executive Board to account for its performance in delivering BBC services.
The Trust works closely with national Audience Councils in order to understand the needs and concerns of audiences.
Executive Board
Operational responsibility rests with the Executive Board. It is responsible for delivering the BBC's services and running the organisation in accordance with the overall strategy set by the Trust.
For more details and an explanation of purpose remits and service licences, see the most recent Annual Report.
Media regulators
Government responsibility for broadcasting and creative industries in the UK lies with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
Ofcom is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services.
local company
BBC Radio Lancashire is the BBC Local Radio service for the county of Lancashire, in North West England
Programming [edit]
Weekdays [edit]
| Weekday variations [edit]
Saturday [edit]
| Saturday MW variations [edit]
Sunday [edit]
| Sunday MW variations [edit]