Friday, 19 April 2013

Anusol Advert evaluation

Friday 19th April

We was told to choose our own groups and then Jamie was going to set us a task which we had to complete by collaborating together in our distinctive group. In the process of choosing our groups me and Matt decided to work together the usually two, then we brought in Chris and max and that was our group us 4.

The task set by jamie was that we had to make a short advert which would be used in television for selling and promoting a certain brand or item, We was given the option whether we would like to choose our own product or Jamie and graham choose everyone's product and signify each group with a certain product. As a whole we decided it would be best if they chose each groups product that way would just focus on the chosen subject instead of going through multiple products which would just take up more of our time in the process of the work.

Jamie and graham went through the groups and gave everyone a product, our group was given anusol which was a pile and hemeroid cream, we had to make an advert which would sell the brand. Given us the anusol was really a treat as they thought they had set us a hard product we personally thought it wouldn't be much different to anything else. As matts friend Kyle previously has had piles we wheeled him in to act in our advert as we thought he could express himself to a high standard as he had been through the stages and felt the pain and agony that piles put you through.

We then quickly jotted up our idea and had a pitch for our advertisement. In our group we went through different ideas which we thought would work and seemed relevant to our product.

In our group we got Matt to film some footage at home with Kyle, the footage consisted of Kyle waking up running to the toilet were then he would sit in agony and then quickly get dressed for work and spill his bru drop his toast and also rush to work on his bike missing two busses on his way, arriving late to work and getting a telling off by his boss then on his way out of the office his boss chucks the anusol cream at him and then as Kyle picks it up the footage goes into colour as the past footage before he picks the cream up is going to be in black and white, which makes it look like he's having a bad day and he can't cope with the pain and agony he's going through and then when the cream hits him it goes in colour which basically brings the moral of the story to say that he's day has lit up and from there on things are going to change, he's not going to suffer in pain and agony the cream will cure his piles or hemeroids.

After we had filmed that footage we then asked Aeman if we could use him in our advert as the boss as we thought we would fit the scene perfectly as he's always a late comer we thought that him telling some one else off for arriving late would be funny and bring some slight humour into our advert.

We got the footage from Brian and in our group went to speak to Andy piper who said we could use his office for to film our scene of Kyle at work arriving late and Aeman calling him into the office. We filmed the footage up stairs and then went to brain who uploaded all of our footage to the adobe premiere editing suit.

After the holidays we then edited our advert and put the footage together on the sequence to the standard that we had previously planned and the clip worked a treat. After all the editing and use of effects to speed clips up and also black and white for some clips we then added some instrumental music to our timeline which topped our advert off, we got Jamie to come and have a look at our advert but he said it was too long as good as it was it needed to be shortened we then took certain clips out and sped others up to get our footage cut to a shorter copy and we thought it was just as good Brian then came to have a look at the shortened edition and said it was good then Brian exported the footage and we had finished.

I thought that we had all worked to a high standard and in our group completed the work to a high standard which we thought was suitable for our ability, in the process we then through stages were we had to look at certain parts of the footage over before finally agreeing it looked good and was a good piece of footage. The editing part of the work is the best part as you can cover up certain errors made in the filming process of the work. In a whole I think our work was good and we could of done better if he had then filmed some parts over and gone back to Kyle's house.

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