Fatbardh krasniqi
I enjoyed media from school, in year 10 we started doing
expressive arts which was similar to media, when I arrived at college I started
off on a level 2 media. I was influenced into taking part in media by my
expressive arts teacher at school Mrs hall, she was on Holly-oaks and I enjoyed
her lessons and the work that consisted in the process of her lessons so I followed
up the course when I came to college, now I’m currently on my second year on
the level 3 in media. I enjoy the course immaculately and I love the practical
parts of the course, not too keen on the theory part but it has to be done
otherwise I wouldn't have any evidence for my practical work.
I’m looking forward to progressing onto Jamie Holman’s
foundation course and I think I have learnt a lot from past experience’s that I
will take forward and gain more strength on in the years to come. After the
foundation course I want to go to university to do media and hopefully get a
full time job in the media industry, and share my experiences that I have taken
on board from the staff at Blackburn college, Jamie, brain and graham have a
lot of experience and knowledge in the media sector and I’m taking on board all
of the stuff learnt from the staff so I can incorporate all of my advantages
into my own work when I progress on to foundation and what I do next is all
down to my hard work and possibilities which will come from progressing onto
the foundation course.
I have great advantages when it comes down to practical work
in the media section, my editing is to a high standard and I have learnt how to
use adobe premiere to a high standard including all the short cuts and easy access
off the tools need to edit. Adobe
Premiere Pro is a timeline-based video editing software application. It is part
of the Adobe Creative Suite, a suite of graphic design, video editing and web
development programs. My camera work is all so to a high standard due to all of
the studio time we have been given through bands and other filming experiences
from Jamie. I reckon I would be a great director as I can take charge and
encourage my group into collaborating together to produce work to a professional
My only weakness is a lack of effort in my theory but if I get my
head down I will produce a great amount of theory work to back up my production
and practical work. Monday afternoons with lee are a great advantage of completing
theory work and also other task set by lee. I will incorporate the techniques
learnt by lee into my work in the future.
I've had a few minor incidents previously on the first year but I've learnt from past experiences and I have put my head down to achieve to the best
of my ability hard work pays off; it was just a lack of effort.
On the foundation course I will up my game as I know I want to
progress on to university so I need to really focus on my goals and targets set
by myself and all so my teaching staff and group members.
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